What is the Enneagram?
We often see ourselves very differently from how others see us. As human beings, our capacity to experience ourselves as others do is quite limited. We do not all think alike. We do not all share the same background, look alike, or behave in the same way, therefore, we have very different perspectives. However, at the core of each individual is a drive, an impulse, a deep inner motivation that can be identified by observing our own behaviors, without judgment or shame.
The Enneagram is an ancient archetypal personality system that combines modern psychological practices with a deep foundation in ancient traditions, religions, cultures, and spiritual practices. It is inclusive and embraces and connects people across the many aspects of our humanity that are commonly used to define and divide ourselves. The Enneagram creates a cognitive shift into mindfulness at an individual and team level and uncovers the focus and patterns of behavior that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. In making these patterns and motivations conscious, the individual is able to develop and transcend what once was a challenge and create positive deep and sustainable change in themselves and in their environment. Options and answers appear that we did not know were possible. These specifically tailored sessions are designed to create an experience that will change each individual’s journey and create sustainable growth and development practices. We will create a network of positive intentional interaction that moves away from fear and grounds us and connects us as one race, the human race.
What is the TTC Approach?
We have integrated the Enneagram in Business to create sustainable and positive growth and development. Our innovative approach and methodology enable organizations and businesses to overcome biased practices, create a workforce that is inclusive and diverse, and ensure alignment of any organization's mission, vision, & values.
We specialize in facilitating change by working with individuals utilizing the Enneagram Personality Archetypes. This unique approach allows us to go beyond the normal scope of work and dive deeper into the heart of the organization: the people. Our results yield the return of humanity to the work environment, philanthropic based morale, productivity improvement, and respect for all individuals.
Dr. Egerton teaches the Enneagram in organizations across the country and has utilized it with her coaching, training and organizational development clients. She brings her expertise in both individual and organizational development and diversity and inclusion to create an experience that energizes the spirit and sparks a passion to participate in becoming a part of creating global solutions.
She has studied the Enneagram for over 2 decades and among her many diverse and esteemed teachers are Don Riso and Russ Hudson completing Part I, II, III, Psychic structures, Master Teaching class and numerous other Riso-Hudson workshops. Deborah has also studied Coaching with the Enneagram under Ginger Lapid-Bogda P.h.D. and was mentored for 2 years by Bea Chestnut P.h.D. Deborah has presented and worked with Bea teaching the 27 enneagram subtypes and is also certified with The Integrative Enneagram Assessment tool. She incorporates her work with Integrative Enneagram Solutions into her business practices and coaching methods— a technique that is unique to her particular qualifications and skill set. She teaches workshops and seminars to executives and leaders around the world, and emphasizes her unique approach of using the Enneagram to address social injustice, personal bias, and socioeconomic inequality.
Dr. Egerton’s Enneagram Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism Certification Program is a highly regarded IEA Accredited Training Program. She is a current board member of the International Enneagram Association and works with the Enneagram community to cultivate a more inclusive environment. Her greatest passion is leading others to understand their own humanity and to acknowledge and respect the humanity in us all.
The Challenger
Powerful & Dominating
self-confident, authoritative, hard-working, strong-willed, confrontational, forceful, passionate, outspoken, independent, protective, abundant energy, persistent, maintain power & control, industrious, defensive, combative, "invulnerable", harsh, rageful, vengeful egocentric, boastful, demonstrative, tyrannical, omnipotent, angry
The Peacemaker
Calm & Self Effacing
receptive, reassuring, agreeable, considerate, quiet, easygoing, thoughtful, accepting, supportive, accommodating, dependable, routine, stable, hardworking, pragmatic, complacent, disengaged, emotionally indolent, indifferent, angry, stubborn, dissociated, numb, apathetic

The Idealist
Rational & Rigid
principled, purposeful, organized, ethical, fastidious, fair, objective, “sense of mission”, practical action, high standards, inner critic, highly critical, impatient, repressed, angry, controlling, perfectionistic, puritanical, resentful, emotionally constricted, scolding abrasive, punitive, inflexible
The Giver
Loving & Manipulative
generous, empathetic, helpful, thoughtful, caring, reliable, compassionate, kind, overly considerate, people pleasing, seductive, intrusive, possessive, seeking validation, angry, resentful, hurt, manipulative, deceitful, flattering, demonstrative, angry, low self esteem/value
The Achiever
Successful & Deceitful
hardworking, dedicated, driven, ambitious, resourceful, impressive, motivated, highly skilled, distinguished, pragmatic, opportunistic, calculating, narcissistic, deeply egocentric, “imposter complex”, seeking validation & attention, social climber, arrogant, unprincipled self centered, conceited
The Individualist
Expressive & Melodramatic
emotional, empathetic, creative, unique, connected, deep, artistic, romantic, unique, authentic, eccentric, poetic, introspective, sensitive, moody, manipulative judgemental, self-conscious, tormented, dark, depressive, angry, lost, shameful, self-destructive, hopeless, despair, macabre, self absorbed
The Investigator
Innovative & Isolated
intelligent, cerebral, wise, highly skilled, well-rounded, eccentric, open minded, pioneering, complex, perceptive, expert, independent, inventive, visionary, competent, capable, secretive, withdrawn, antagonistic, cynical, argumentative, reclusive, intellectually arrogant, self-destructive, nihilistic, erratic
The Loyalist
Responsible & Anxious
deeply loyal, reliable, secure oriented, troubleshooting, revolutionary, innovative, structured, hardworking, engaging, contradictory, dependent, indecisive, untrusting, defensive, reactive, fearful, insecure, neurotic, unpredictable, stubborn, suspicious, erratic, worst case scenario, panicked, paranoid
The Enthusiast
Spontaneous & Scattered
free, fun, happy, curious, joyful, optimistic, adventurous, fast learners, well-rounded, humorous, light hearted, bold, vivacious, “life of the party”, flaky, self centered, narcissistic, emotionally stunted, insensitive, impulsive, escapist mentality, erratic, moody, compulsive, panic-stricken, avoidance, “cold-hearted”, jaded
Do you have questions about the Enneagram?
Feel free to contact us if you have questions, but hopefully, we can answer a few of them in our FAQ section below.
What exactly is the Enneagram?
The short answer: a personality type tool designed to uncover your core motivation and allow you to discover why you are who you are. Simple enough, right? The long answer: the Enneagram combines modern psychological practices with a deep foundation in ancient traditions, religions, and spiritual practices ranging from the Greek philosophers to Buddhism. The Enneagram is a personality type indicator- a tool millions of people use everyday to guide them through the various challenges of life.
Why are there numbers? Is a 1 better than a 9?
The numbers are not a scale - 1 is not "higher ranking" than a 9. The Enneagram uses numbers to identify the 9 types. One through nine are displayed in a circle graphic and each type is connected to every other type - you'll learn more about the connection when you start to discover your subtypes, wings, and directions of stress and growth.
So what do I have to do to start?
Take a quick "test" and remember to be honest with yourself. We have provided a link to the free online test here. The test consists of 60 questions and uses a 5 point scale ranging from "Very Inaccurate" to "Very Accurate". Answering the questions honestly and genuinely will give you a better chance of finding your true Enneagram Type. The test usually takes between 10-20 minutes.
I took the test, now what?
Start doing some research. Once you've established your type you can start on the journey to self-discovery. There are so many resources for further education and research. The Trinity Family is always developing new tools and programs for Enneagram education and we will continue to provide you with updates on our workshops and upcoming seminars. If you would like to start exploring your type you can begin by reading through Dr. Egerton's detailed Enneagram Resource page available here: DeborahEgerton.com/Enneagram. You can also check out the Enneagram Institute's official website. We also recommend researching the individual work of Don Riso and Russ Hudson, Ginger Lapid-Bogda P.h.D., and Bea Chestnut P.h.D..
How can I introduce the Enneagram into my workplace?
We love when people connect with the Enneagram- it's changed our lives and we know how beneficial it will be for you too. If you would like to reach out to us about furthering your knowledge of the Enneagram please contact us via email.
Our consultants are available via conference call, virtual meeting, or email.